Musiki Cemiyeti
Musiki'ye Gönülden Bağlananların İnternet Mecmuası

Destruction İstanbul konseri duyuruldu

Destruction İstanbul konseri duyuruldu | Musiki Cemiyeti

Destruction İstanbul konseri duyuruldu. Thrash metalin öncü gruplarından Destruction 9 Eylül’de İstanbul’da konser verecek. IF Performance Hall’de gerçekleşecek konserin bilet fiyatları henüz açıklanmadı.

Destruction İstanbul konseri duyuruldu

Information: confusion about the China concerts! The China concerts are unfortunately not happening. Everybody involved here, is very sad about the Chinese shows that got cancelled, especially the band. We have been to China twice and we know how dedicated and hungry the fans are for PURE METAL! We also knew the visa procedure takes time and is very complicated. We can clearify the Chinese show cancellations and the chaos that came with it in one sentence: The visas did not work out on time! We are really sorry about that! To compare: The Visas for Australia & Japan worked out in a much shorter time. So – if you want to blame somebody, then maybe blame the unrealistic and complicated visa procedure system, that takes several weeks or month for a visa. (for an artist) In the end the Chinese embassy was demanding more invitation letters and interviews but there was no more time. Maybe with some more weeks-time, the visas would have worked out. Maybe. We do not know, we are just musicians that want play for their fans. Hopefully one time also in China again! We got told that the local promoters will refund the tickets, please contact your local ticket shops for further information! United we stand – ETERNAL BAN!

Destruction (@destruction_official)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi ()

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