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Yeni Napalm Death albümü duyuruldu

Yeni Napalm Death albümü duyuruldu

Yeni Napalm Death albümü duyuruldu. İngiliz grindcore death metal devi Napalm Death, Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism adlı yeni albümünü yayınlamaya hazırlanıyor. 18 Eylül 2020 tarihinde Century Media etiketi ile yayınlanacak albümden ilk şarkı ise 24 Temmuz’da müzik severlerle paylaşılacak.

Albüm şarkı listesi:

  1. Fuck the Factoid
  2. Backlash Just Because
  3. That Curse of Being in Thrall
  4. Contagion
  5. Joie De Ne Pas Vivre
  6. Invigorating Clutch
  7. Zero Gravitas Chamber
  8. Fluxing of the Muscle
  9. Amoral
  10. Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism
  11. Acting in Gouged Faith
  12. A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen

Son albümü Apex Predator – Easy Meat’i 2015 yılında çıkaran topluluk, 5 yıllık süreçte çekitli EP’ler yayınlamıştı.

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@centurymediaeu @decibelmagazine @shanenapalm @extrinsicrecordings @spark_rock_magazine @emp_de @nuclearblasteurope @closeup.magazine @roadiecrewmag @johnpeelarchive @madtourbooking @xmadxmarc @corruptmoralaltar @discordance668 @simonefemey @metalinjection @blabbermouthmusic We are delighted to announce upcoming 16th studio album release “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism”, to be released ‪on September 18th, 2020‬ via Century Media Records. “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism” is the highly anticipated follow-up to 2015’s acclaimed “Apex Predator – Easy Meat” album, was again recorded with longtime producer Russ Russell and features artwork by Frode Sylthe (to be seen above!).Stay tuned for more details – special coloured vinyl editions etc . NAPALM DEATH – “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism” track listing Fuck the Factoid Backlash Just Because That Curse of Being in Thrall Contagion Joie De Ne Pas Vivre Invigorating Clutch Zero Gravitas Chamber Fluxing of the Muscle Amoral Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism Acting in Gouged Faith A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen A first single off “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism” will be launched on July 24th, 2020 together with the pre-order start of the album. Look out for further details and the various album formats to be revealed soon…

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Yeni Napalm Death albümü duyuruldu

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