Musiki Cemiyeti
Musiki'ye Gönülden Bağlananların İnternet Mecmuası

Yıldızlar grubu Dead Cross My Perfect Prisoner video klibini yayınladı

Yıldızlar grubu Dead Cross My Perfect Prisoner video klibini yayınladı | Musiki Cemiyeti

Yıldızlar grubu Dead Cross My Perfect Prisoner video klibini yayınladı. Kadrosunda Mike Patton (Faith No More, Tomahawk), Dave Lombardo (ex-Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Misfits), Justin Pearson (The Locust, Retox) ve Michael Crain (Retox, Festival of Dead Deer) gibi yıldız isimleri barındıran Amerikalı Hardcore punk grubu Dead Cross 2 Mayıs’da dijital olarak yayınlanan yeni EP’sinden My Perfect Prisoner için çektiği video klibi yayınladı.

Dead Cross EP is out now in the digital realm! The follow up to the self-titled LP, featuring two new tracks as well as two remixes by @panicker.sweat and @planetbband. Pre-order the limited edition swamp-color vinyl in the Ipecac web store, available June 29th. . Recorded and produced by @ross_robinson and Dead Cross. Art by @firstchurchofthevoid / Layoutand design by @theblackmoondesign . . Also, check out the video for “My Perfect Prisoner” by @firstchurchofthevoid which premieres on #metalhammer today! . Catch us on tour in Europe this summer: . #deadcross #ipecacrecordings #threeoneg #mikepatton #michaelcrain #davelombardo #justinpearson #rossrobinson #planetb #panicker

Dead Cross (@dead_cross_official)'in paylaştığı bir gönderi ()

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