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Immortal Mighty Ravendark şarkı sözü videosu yayınlandı

Immortal Mighty Ravendark şarkı sözü videosu yayınlandı | Musiki Cemiyeti

Immortal Mighty Ravendark şarkı sözü videosu yayınlandı. Norveçli topluluk 6 Temmuz’da çıkacak Northern Chaos Gods’dan ikinci single Mighty Ravendark için şarkı sözü videosu hazırladı.

Topluluk daha önce de albüme adını veren şarkı için şarkı sözü videosu yayınlamıştı.

IMMORTAL Unleash Lyric Video For Second Single “Mighty Ravendark” Full video on IMMORTAL will release their highly anticipated new album, Northern Chaos Gods, on July 6th which marks a return right to the raw roots of the band! The Norwegian black metal legends unveil their second single, the 9-minute-long hymn “Mighty Ravendark,” which is not only the longest track in the band’s history to this date but has also been named the ‘best IMMORTAL song of the past 20 years’ by Germany’s Deaf Forever Magazine. Listen to the track that concludes the blistering journey that is IMMORTAL’s new album and experience the finale of one of their grandest efforts. Order album: Link in bio ⬆️. #Immortal #ImmortalBand #NorthernChaosGods #BlackMetal #NorwegianBlackMetal #HeavyMetal #Metal #Metalheads #Metalhead #NuclearBlast #Horgh #Demonaz @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblasteurope

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Immortal Mighty Ravendark şarkı sözü videosu yayınlandı

Demonaz talks about inspiration, his arm injury & the upcoming album, NORTHERN CHAOS GODS, out July 6th. “I have always been into the dark side of music. Heavy metal, thrash metal, then underground black and death metal bands emerged. I wanted to start the ultimate band in 1990. I had the name IMMORTAL and a vision. I never felt we were a part of any scene. I worshipped the first albums from CELTIC FROST, VENOM and BATHORY. They were the ones that inspired me to make dark and cold music. Our first vinyl release was a 7″ inch in 1991, and then our first IMMORTAL album »Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism« followed in 1992. My inspiration to start IMMORTAL came from the environment that I grew up in. The cold winter, the dark woods, the mighty mountains and glaciers. I wanted something unique to bind the lyrics and music together. I created Blashyrkh, meaning ‘The realm of all darkness and cold‘. The harsh, cold and dark side of nature is a never ending inspiration. A part of the mysterious force that surrounds us and slowly erases everything. It is timeless, without rules and wins in the end. It’s a deep fascination and respect for nature built on instinct. I see pride, power and greatness from a dark perspective. I am devoted to the early days of black metal. Late nights in the woods, embracing darkness, breathing fire, obsessed by the winter moon. It is what keeps my spirit alive. This has inspired me to write riffs, lyrics and music and made the foundation to all our music. The songs on our new album is no exception. Every riff, line, word and song of IMMORTAL through all the years has been on my ears, and in my head from the deep forests and all the way to the frozen mountaintops. [continued in comments…]

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Immortal Mighty Ravendark şarkı sözü videosu yayınlandı

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