Yeni Mantar albümü duyuruldu

Yeni Mantar albümü duyuruldu



Yeni Mantar albümü duyuruldu. Alman Sludge metal grubu Mantar 2 yıl aradan sonra çıkartacağı yeni albümünü duyurdu. Topluluğun üçüncü albümü olacak olan çalışma 2018 yılı içinde Nuclear Blast etiketiyle çıkacak. Davulcusu Türkiye’li olan (Erinç Sakarya) topluluk albüm için bir de teaser yayınladı. Albüme dair detaylar çok yakında açıklanacak.

NEW ALBUM! IT’S DONE! #newalbum #nuclearblast #album3 #deathbyburning #odetotheflame #studio #teaser #darkness #grim #mantar #mantarband #tourlife #deathmetal #blackmetal #doommetal #punkasfuck @nuclearblasteurope @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblastuk

MantarBand (@mantarband)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi ()

Yeni Mantar albümü duyuruldu

NEW ALBUM – NEW TOUR – NEW DEATH! We know it´s been a little silent from Horde MANTAR lately… That´s mainly due to the recording of a new masterpiece and that was a shit ton of work! But rest assured it was worth it. The silly sun in Florida gave it a good extra portion of hate and inspired us to fuck up more shit than ever before. So get ready for new dark and sinister, heavy as fuck HASSBATZEN very soon. Album will be released most likelyin a few months from now and we once again hope for your overwhelming support for the next chapter of this little group of ours. YOU RULE. Also, this has been the longest break we ever had from playing live. So we will be back in summer with festival shows all over Europe and a very few super tiny club shows in between. We will kick off the season with our return to Maryland Deathfest 2018 in the US and are also working on concrete Tour plans for later this year. Let us know where we should play! We may even do it. WE ARE READY! Are you? HORNS UP! Foto: @titussue #newkidsontheblock #newalbum #nuclearblast #mantar #killdestroyfuckshitup #hassbatzen #manowarriors #gearporn #bomberjacket #thestrangler #marylanddeathfest2018 #mdf2018 #brotherhood @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblasteurope @nuclearblastuk #basslordpictures

MantarBand (@mantarband)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi ()


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